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This site contains math practice on specific skills. Students have individual usernames and passwords which can be found in his or her agenda.
Sumdog is a collection of games that students can use to practice math skills. Students can play games against one another if they are logged in at the same time. Each student has an individual username and password which can be found in the homework agenda. From time to time Bedford County will have sumdog contests.
Moby Max has practice in math, reading, language, and writing. The activities are individualized for each student. Students have individual usernames and passwords which can be found in the homework agenda.
Raz-Kids has reading practice by classroom. Students can listen to stories, read stories, and take quizzes on stories to earn prizes. Each classroom has a teacher login which can be found in the homework agenda.
AR Bookfind lets you search for AR books. It will allow you to see if a books is AR and how many points it is worth.
This is Boonsboro Elementary School's website.
This is the main site for Bedford County Public Schools.