The behavior expectations for Boonsboro students are abbreviated in the acronym, BES, (Boonsboro Elementary School), also known to mean, Be responsible, Encourage everyone, and Show respect,
We believe that these are important character traits for children to learn, and that it is a vital part of our job to model, discuss, and provide practice activities for social skills just as we do for academic skills.
With this spirit of commitment, we will be spending time each day learning and practicing how to navigate the tricky waters of peer relationships, polite assertiveness, conversational dos/don'ts, and how to take personal responsibility for our roles as socially competent members of a community. Please help in this endeavor by asking your child about what he/she is learning, and by providing opportunities for practice at home.
We will be working to encourage and motivate our students to make wise choices about their behavior, as opposed to demanding that they adhere to a set of rules which they may see as arbitrary. We will however, communicate with the parents of students whose behavior repeatedly falls short of the BES principles, and for whom we feel consequences may need to be added to the model/ practice/ encourage approach. We know that consequences work best when students, teachers, and parents collaborate to determine which consequences are suitable. We will keep you informed of your child's progress, and look forward to working with you.
Thank you for your positive support of our efforts to insure your child's continued success.