Welcome to Mrs. Rickert's 3rd Grade Class

Contact Me: [email protected]
BnES phone: 434-384-2881
STAPLE REWARDS - save your receipts!
use this link as a quick way to enter the information from your Staples receipts to help our classroom. Thank you.
I use ClassTag to communicate with families. You will all receive an invitation to join our class. All you need to do is follow the instructions in the email. If for some reason you have not received the email with instructions, just send me a quick email at [email protected] and I will get you added.
Please check your child's Homework Agenda daily - they bring them home daily with or without homework assignments as a way to form the habit.
A word about Wednesday Folders (the big White envelopes): Please be aware that the best way to communicate with the school (or me) is thru a phone call, a quick note or an email as I do not regularly check the front of the white envelopes. The students bring them back on Thursday and place them in their correct spot, ready to be filled for the next Wednesday, emptying the contents into the right place as they do so. Thank you very much.
W DATES: Anytime that school is cancelled due to weather, the calendar will simply resume on the following day, i.e., all assignments and work is just extended by the number of days off unless it was a long term assignment.