Mrs. Cindy McKinney



Hello!  Welcome to 2019-20 kindergarten.  Please feel free to look over this website and/or contact me at [email protected] or call the school at 434-384-2881 during office hours.   

Our Resource Schedule is as follows:
Monday - P.E. (Children MUST wear tennis shoes.)
Tuesday - Art
Wednesday - Library
Thursday - Computer and STEAM (B Week) or Guidance (A Week)
Friday - Music

One healthy snack and water to drink. Please send finger foods that do not require a spoon. Thank you.

Water bottles with "pop up" tops are acceptable.  No screw-on tops because they tend to spill and make a mess.  As you can imagine, it is very frustrating for students when someone spills water on their work.

Lunch 11:41-12:11     
Recess will be daily after lunch. 

I will give a homework pass to any parents and/or grandparents who come to our PTA events.  

Computer usernames and passwords are sent home at the beginning of the year.  Please contact me if you need an additional copy for your child to practice at home.  You can always complete extra practice for Language Arts and Math skills we have already worked on in IXL (All Kindergarten sections).  This is a great website for reading practice.  The children can earn points, and they love to see the rocket go up!  You will need the teacher's username in order to do this at home, but it is given at the beginning of the year.

Accelerated Reader (AR):  Students are required to complete 10 minutes of reading each night and record the information on a nightly Reading Log.