Third grade students are encouraged to read, read, read! AR provides information that can help determine growth in both reading and technology use. Each fourth grade child has a goal to reach a minimum of 50 AR points during this school year. In order to help your child achieve this objective, we will encourage students to set mini-goals for each grading period.
AR serves as a tool for creating an incentive for reading. For students who might otherwise have little interest in reading, using the computer, being eligible for certificates, and earning points for prizes may provide a reason for them to want to read (FYI --- Many third grade students earn 100 AR points in order to participate in the end-of-year activities.).
We support this idea by providing class time for reading and taking tests, library time for checking out AR books, and encouraging all students to use the program. Students are strongly encouraged to read AR books at home and take tests on a regular basis.